
Faces of eMobility

Meet our team

The eMobility business unit is one of the youngest areas at Bender. In recent years, the team within the business unit has been expanded and strengthened more and more. As a team, we deal with topics such as charging technology for electric vehicles and vehicle sensor technology. On this page we would like to introduce our individual team members.

Meet Anna Wolf


Anna Wolf, 32, Marketing and Communication Manager 


About your job at Bender 

I am Marketing and Communication Manager at Bender and responsible for all marketing activities of the eMobility business unit. My tasks include campaign creation, media planning and managing social media and our website. I also take care of the content planning for trade fair presentations for eMobility.  


Why did you choose Bender? Why electromobility? 

After working in marketing agencies for many years, I wanted to switch to the corporate side. Bender is one of the largest and, for me, most exciting employers in Central Hesse. The company offers me a complete package that is not often offered these days. Based on my previous experience in the automotive sector, the decision in favour of eMobility was logical and, looking back, absolutely the right one.


What is your biggest challenge in your job? 

The biggest challenge for me was and is the technical understanding of electrical safety. As I have no classical training or anything similar in the field of electrical engineering, there is something new for me to learn every day. However, thanks to the countless helpfulness of all my colleagues, this works very well and the challenges get smaller from day to day. 


How do you think electromobility will develop? 

Electromobility has grown rapidly in recent years. In my opinion, this development is far from over. Technologies such as bidirectional charging are on the rise and batteries for electric vehicles are also constantly being developed further.  

Meet Kerstin Kehl


Kerstin Kehl, 38, Commercial Sales at Bender in Grünberg, Germany

About her job:

Within the commercial sales office, my main focus is on customer service. My contribution also extends to supporting my team by taking over the preparation of various statements and credit notes to ensure a smooth process. 


Why did you choose Bender? Why electromobility? 

The Bender company has been known to me for a long time and I find it interesting in which areas the important products are used. The fact that Bender products are used in so many different areas piqued my interest.  The eMobility business unit represents an extremely important and forward-looking market and business sector for Bender. The opportunity to contribute to this dynamic field motivated me to be part of this groundbreaking development and of Team Bender. 


What is your biggest challenge in your job? 

My biggest challenge at the moment is dealing with the rapid growth in the electromobility market. This sector is evolving rapidly and it is crucial to constantly adapt our solutions to the latest requirements. In addition, we always have to keep an eye on the available funding in order to support our projects in the best possible way. 


How do you think electromobility will develop? 

I am optimistic about the future of electromobility. With further growth, new ideas and innovations will also emerge, making the industry even more dynamic. Particularly exciting is the prospect of bidirectional charging, where the vehicle can be used as an energy source. This technology will enable sustainable energy management. Furthermore, I see an increasing spread of electromobility in areas such as agricultural and construction machinery, which will lead to a noticeable reduction in noise and environmental friendliness. 

Meet Anna Schad

Anna Schad, 37, Technical Sales at Bender in Grünberg, Germany

About your job:
As Technical Sales, I am responsible for customer support. Here, both the commercial and the technical parts intertwine. Existing and new customers come to us with different inquiries that have to be answered and coordinated. The current material situation accounts for a large part of our work. It is very important to stay in close contact and to constantly coordinate which alternative materials or possibilities that are available.

Why Bender, why E-Mobility?
For me, Bender stands for a healthy medium-sized company that knows the risks involved in generating electricity through its years of experience and offers ingenious solutions for this. The eMobility sector is a fast-growing market that needs new innovative solutions as well as years of experience in power management. I come from an EMS service provider (Electronic Manufacturing Services) where I gained insight into several industries. The eMobility area is currently the area where a rapid further development can be seen, long-term change and new developments will lead to new thoughts in dealing with electricity. For me this sector is really exciting, and I am happy to be part of it.

The biggest challenge at Bender?
The rapid pace of the industry is definitely a big challenge. The development of products takes time. Products need to be tested, changed, adapted and certified again and again. Together with the speed of the industry, one of the biggest challenges is not to lose sight of the balance.

Trends E-Mobility
The use of electricity is changing. People need more and more of it. This high demand for electricity, our aging network and concept can no longer absorb.

With electric vehicles, new possibilities for use are coming into play. The concept is being repositioned. New ways and thoughts of change are coming into focus. We need new solutions and I believe electric vehicles will be a part of that. The ability to store electricity and use it at different times than it is produced has a big impact on making the energy transition possible.

Meet Robert Franzke


Robert Franzke, 33 years old, technical sales at Bender in Grünberg, Germany

About the job:

We at Bender live "one team to the customer", so as technical sales I am a face to the customer and I am responsible for my own customer base, but I also advise interested new customers on the selection of the right product or the right product variant. The commercial processing and after-sales are also part of my tasks, at the moment due to the material situation, a large part of the work consists of close coordination with production and purchasing in order to be able to ensure delivery dates. Internal project work in business development and responsibility for the forecast process complete my job profile.

Why Bender, why E-Mobility?

Coming from a large corporation, the flat hierarchies in a healthy medium-sized company appealed to me. I had the hope that I could achieve and make a difference with my work. Especially in the Emobility team I experience something like a start-up mentality, the market and customer needs are growing and changing extremely quickly and it's exciting to be a part of it.

The biggest challenge at Bender?

Working hand in hand with the other departments to meet the demands of the market and keep up with the pace. So far this has worked extremely well together.

Trends E-Mobility

I believe that electrically powered vehicles of all kinds will increasingly be a part of the future world of mobility. The acceptance and willingness to do this is increasing, even if there is still potential for improvement, for example when it comes to bi-directional charging or integration into holistic energy concepts, both in the private and public sectors. Electromobility cannot be successful in the long term if network expansion and a reliable energy supply cannot be ensured despite the phase-out of nuclear power.

Meet Dustin Hübner


Dustin Hübner, 33 years, field application engineer for charging technology at bender in Grünberg, Germany.

About your job:

In my current job as an application engineer in the field of eMobility, I am responsible for the development of specific solutions and their scaling to further customers. My main focus is on charging infrastructure for the public, but also private or semi-public sector. I support my customers beyond the technical integration and am available for technical problems as a contact person for support and implementation of seminars, as well as product training with advice and assistance.

Why are you at Bender and why at the eMobility sector?

I completed my appretinceship and electronics-studies at Bender. Therefore, I can say that I grew up here. In 2016, I got the chance to join the emobility team and gained a foothold as an applications engineer. The Business is very young, flexible and fast growing, what makes really fun.

What’s the biggest challenge for you at Bender?

The biggest challenges are the fast growing and very different market requirements. Every Customer is different and has different needs, so we need to find the best solution for him.

What will be the biggest trends in the eMobility sector next time?

In my point of view electric vehicles will be more and more part of the energy supply. “Vehicle to X” is a synonym for a car that can be used as a power bank. Very simplified, but yes it is. When a car can store energy, it will be able to provide this energy to another application. I think, that’s the future.

Meet Aaron Schulz

Aaron Schulz, 24 years, product owner and field application engineer for AC sensors used in E-vehicle charging 

About the job  

My task as product owner and field application engineer for AC sensors with Bender is to incorporate our customers' requests and requirements into existing and new products. I am responsible first and foremost for the technical further development of products. However, I am also responsible for the organizational tasks in the Bender development team. 

In addition, I am the contact for all customers regarding questions about our AC sensors. Regardless of whether there is an enquiry about a sensor in one of our charge controllers or a sensor alone, be it as printed circuit board or as chipset solution. I find the right solution for every customer.

Why Bender, why electromobility?  

Already when I was in school it was clear to me that I wanted to work for Bender. My very first internship during school was here, and it provided me with a host of insights into the various units of the company. After leaving school I applied for an apprenticeship with Bender.Having completed that successfully, I moved to Quality Management. One of the first products in which I was involved was the charge controller CC612, which was new at the time. I immediately liked the product and e-mobility topics and then decided to become part of Bender's e-mobility team.

The biggest challenge at Bender?  

In recent years the e-mobility sector has experienced enormous growth. Our team has grown tremendously, and our range of tasks has become ever more complex. We are developing new products and solutions. It is therefore extremely important to every one of us that we keep pace with this rapid growth. 

E-mobility trends 

The electromobility sector is hugely varied. In my opinion, in the future e-mobility will not only be about a vehicle moving from A to be B using electrical power. Electromobility will develop much further. Topics such as bi-directional charging are becoming increasingly important and will bring many changes. The cars of the future may also serve as an energy source. This means that, for instance, it will no longer be necessary to route cables a long way around building-site distribution boxes. Instead, an electric vehicle will be able to supply the required power.  However, it will be a challenge to keep up with the many different advantages of electromobility and the innumerable changes affecting it which we shall be facing in the next few years.  


Meet Bijan Kavian


Bijan Kavian, 55 years old, Regional Manager E-Mobility

About the job 

As Regional Manager for E-Mobility, I am responsible for the operational support of the Bender subsidiaries and agencies within Europe. Another part of my job is the strategic development of the E-Mobility business within the company and the support for market launches of new products, the design of pricing strategies and costing.

Why Bender, why E-Mobility? 

For me, there are many reasons that speak for Bender as a company. To name just a few: Bender is a future-oriented, solid family business with a very good working atmosphere, exciting tasks and innovative products. There is collegial cooperation, both within the team and with other departments.

The biggest challenge at Bender? 

I see the biggest challenge in implementing the necessary growth due to the enormous demand for e-mobility products.

Trends E-Mobility

We are only at the beginning of the e-mobility era. In the coming years, much more powerful public / semi-public charging stations will be needed across Europe. Especially in the area of DC charging, I see a very big potential, which would mean even more business for Bender.

Meet Tristan Remspecher


Tristan Remspecher, Product Manager Business Development, 28

About the job 

For roughly one year I have been working for Bender as product manager in the sensors department. My tasks comprise the further development of our existing product portfolio. This includes drawing up rough designs of new products which in the end will be passed on to our development department as finished product plans. Apart from these tasks, I am in close contact with our sales team to get to know which new requirements and ideas our customers and partners have regarding our products and to incorporate these into the development of future products. Together we continuously improve the Bender products' performance and ensure the economic success of our product range.

Why Bender, why E-Mobility? 

Friends from university recommended Bender to me as a company with excellent workplace culture. This was confirmed already during my job interview and very quickly I had good experiences. The electro-mobility unit is one of four Bender business units and has enormous growth potential. In the past years the electro-mobility sector experienced rapid technological advances. The entire mobility ecosystem is undergoing a revolution.

The biggest challenge at Bender? 

In light of the currently highly dynamic market, one of the biggest challenges for me has been to ensure that we are taking the best possible decision at any given time. New products must have the right functions and properties and must meet the requirements our customers are going to have in future. When it comes to electro-mobility sensors Bender also has a huge responsibility as our products ensure electrical safety for every user.

E-Mobility trends

The number of registered electric vehicles is continuously growing. With the mounting competition in the market, products are becoming increasingly well thought out and sophisticated. Among other things, this results in extended vehicle ranges and higher requirements for motor performance. To meet these requirements, higher battery voltages are inevitable. We therefore expect battery voltages to continue to rise in the years to come. Moreover, in the case of vehicle and infrastructure sensors more and more functions will be integrated, and the number of assemblies will decrease.